Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Even though it's been chilly in the mornings, 
the calves always happily greet us to drink their
warm milk  and wait on their grain feeding.
If they don't come out to meet us,
we soon find out if they are not feeling well.

It's  part of our everyday dairy farmer job to monitor the 
health of each calf and to make sure regardless of the 
weather changes that each calf eats and drinks. 
Weather is an environmental stress that can definitely
impact the health of a newborn calf.
These twenty degree temperature changes within
a few hours is rough on all of us!


I'm thankful for the health of our animals,
for the good health of my family and our employees
during this crazy pandemic
for the smiles we have had  watching
our new truck driver haul his load
of toilet paper left under the 
Christmas tree at his house.