Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

November has become a season of Thanksgiving as we 
pause to think of the many people in our community that
serve us throughout the year and in situations that 
we never expect  such as the pandemic.

This week it was my pleasure to present these 
community helpers with Undeniably Dairy stocking caps
and a Subway gift card provided by Midwest Dairy
 as a way to say "Thank-you" and 
express to them how much we appreciate their service.

I'm also thankful for the celebration of
36 years of marriage to the dairy farmer


                                          who brought me to the farm to build a life together,

                                             raise a family  and live in the   place we call home.

                                          Happy Thanksgiving...

                                from down on the dairy farm!

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