Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

In a year of extreme rain during the spring that delayed planting
and growth that has occurred in a  drought, we are thankful for this corn 
crop that will be enjoyed by our dairy cows in their daily feed ration.

A twelve row corn harvester certainly speeds up the job compared 
to our smaller chopper.

                                Even though we decided to hire the chopping done,  it was still a 
                                                   family affair to get the crop harvested. 
                                  Ryan and Casey  hauled chopped corn  from  the field to the 
                                  new silage pad while Cody was kept busy packing  each
                                                  delivered load from all the silage trucks.
                                                     The women of the family provided
                                                 love, support and food during the long day.

                                 It was dark when we moved the last truck home, shut gates and
                                 moved cattle back to the pastures but there was a joy and feeling
                                      of  accomplishment that only a farmer understands from 
                                                                 down on the dairy farm.

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