Thursday, July 2, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Abundant spring rains made it difficult to harvest spring crops
creating that domino effect of too much to get done within 
the specific planting time frame. June could be compared to 
a Chinese fire drill down on the dairy farm with everyone going
in multiple directions everyday. All of the crops we raise are used
throughout the year to feed our dairy cows. 
The cows are counting on us!

I found myself working as a transport person as we moved equipment 
to the fields for planting crops that will be harvested in the fall.
Equipment adjustments are normal and often take more than one
farmer's knowledge to work out the kinks or in this case the hydraulics.

I'm thankful for these moments in time when waiting on the
farmers creates opportunities in the ordinary day
to appreciate my  farm family,

to see the joy in the small but mighty grand-girl's 
face when learning and helping to feed the calves,

                                                 and the wonder of just sitting on a bench!

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