Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Tradition of Remembrance

As a child I only associated Memorial Day with
a holiday that brought our family together for a picnic or
 the beginning of summer with the first trip to  the swimming 
pool.  Perhaps I was born a little too close to the end of World War II
 for anyone ready to talk about our fallen heroes.

I can't imagine what our country would be like today were
it not for all the men and women that have served our country 
to protect our freedoms.
Memorial Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate
their devotion to our country.

Fortunately for our family, my father-in-law
did make it home from his experience in Japan during
World War II.

Because of men like Bill, 
we have the freedom to farm and  live free.

                                                               We pause on Memorial Day
                                           to give thanks for those who have given their all.

Memorial Day...a tradition of remembrance.

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