Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Happy New Year!

There's nothing more heart warming on a chilly day
down on the dairy farm than the delight of a child or
adult sharing in the care of a new calf on their first 
 dairy farm visit.

This farm visit was unique in that it was a special request
of my nursing school roommate to bring her niece's family
to the dairy farm while she was home for the holidays.
Aunt Nancy will forever be the favorite aunt!

We timed the visit to coincide with the afternoon calf feeding
so that each child could have the opportunity to
bottle feed a new calf. 

It was a precious time of sharing about the love we
have for caring for our animals and the work 
we do every day to provide safe, nutritious milk.

                                                  I'm thankful for the opportunity to share
                                           about dairy farming and agriculture to consumers
                                                of all ages and for the blessing of friendship.


  1. What a wonderful day at Anglin Farms. My nieces and nephews learned so much from our tour with you. Thank you Thank you for braving the cold chilly winds to show us the milking barn and teach us so much. GRATEFUL for you and Ryan.

  2. It was a fun time for all of us! You made our day!
