Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

School nutrition is serious business.
I saw it first hand   last weekend when I was invited to 
attend the Missouri School Nutrition Conference  as part of a
presentation with Midwest Dairy and Domino Pizza.

Before our "My Plate,My Pizza,My Farmer"  presentation, I was awed by the food 
trade show that included a wide variety of available 
foods that schools can choose to serve.
The trick is to choose foods that fit the requirements for dietary 
guidelines, stay within the school budget and most importantly, that  the 
students will eat.

As a dairy farmer, I'm proud of the nutritious milk 
and dairy foods that we produce and for the support of
 companies like Domino's that not only love our product
 but have developed a food that meets dietary guidelines
 and tastes good. Domino's Smart Slice Pizza  is made 
fresh where local franchise stores participate in
 providing it for schools.

I had my own slice of Smart Slice and it was delicious!

I'm thankful for the support Domino's has shown to dairy farmers,
for the opportunity to share how we work on the dairy to produce 
high-quality milk, and 

for the convenience of foods that make life a little easier
when the dairy farmer takes a day off from the farm 
and a day out of  the kitchen!

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