Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

It's corn  chopping time!
You may not get all excited when you see this picture but
to the family farmers and our dairy cows, harvest of this 
corn crop is  a real celebration.
  Raising a crop that  both  utilizes manure produced by the cows and 
  feeds our cows is part of the sustainability of our farming operation. 

The chopped corn is being trucked to the pit silo where it will 
ferment  for a few weeks and change into corn silage.
 Corn silage is a welcome addition to the cows' diet plan.

                                      I'm thankful for the cooperation of the weather this week,
                             for no major mechanical problems, and the safety of the trucks and
                                                           drivers on the trips to the silo.

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