Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

I come from a long line of homemade ice cream eaters.
When I was small child, it was my delight to fight with the 
visiting cousin on who would sit on the ice cream freezer 
while our Papa (our Grandpa)  turned the crank.

The next best memory was helping to clean the paddle 
that was full of creamy ice cream.
Our electric ice cream freezer has changed the work 
that goes into making the ice cream, but our 
 memory making continues with the next generation.

As you can see, this was serious business for my Mother
and my granddaughter Hattie!

                                          I'm thankful for the holidays that bring us together
                                              as a family and  these special milk memories
                                                         made down on the dairy farm!

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