Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Earth Day is Everyday

Everyday is Earth Day down on the dairy farm. 

We celebrate Earth Day by how we provide everyday care
 for the land by utilizing science and best management
 practices that make economic sense, help the environment
  and are socially responsible to our community.

Everything we do makes a difference  such as:

protecting air quality by following proper manure storage practices,

recycling manure to fertilize crop and pasture land,

growing crops with recycled manure that builds the
organic materials in the soil and improves water retention,

reducing the carbon footprint of milk by 63 percent due to 
improvements in animal feeding,animal health programs
and overall farm management practices.
                                                           When you get right down to it,
                                                      we celebrate Earth Day Everyday,
                                                            for the next generation.

Happy Earth Day Everyday!

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