Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dairy Pride

My dairy farm family takes great pride in working everyday to produce high-quality,nutritious milk. 
Dairy products are an important part of a healthy diet for children and adults but it has been found that most Americans are not meeting  the recommended intake for the dairy food group.
I would love for milk to be your first choice but I know that is not realistic.
 However, I do want you to have the correct information in making healthy
 choices for you and your family.

It's a fact, all milk labeled products you find in the dairy case are not created equal in nutritional benefits.


   Marketing of any product can create myths and misconceptions but it is 
hard to deny the truth of dairy nutrition science and research.

                             Dairy farmers are supporting the Dairy Pride Act "to protect the
                      integrity of dairy products by enforcing existing labeling requirements."

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