Monday, November 21, 2016

Dairy Farm Recycling

It's a fact--if you have cows, you have manure. 
Recycling cow manure is an important part of our  dairy farming operation.

Hauling manure  doesn't happen every day but it's on the weekly
 to do list.  In between hauling events,  the manure that our cows
 produce is stored in a large concrete pit by the dairy barn or in the
 dry stacking area  in the feed barn. 

All of our storage areas meet the requirements of the 
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality.

Nutrient management plans  are designed specifically for our farm by
 engineers and technicians. The plans  guide the amount,source, 
placement and timing of manure  to fertilize the soil and
 improve the water holding capacity for crop fields and pastures.

Storing and hauling manure is all about protecting the environment
 for our cows, our farm, our family and our neighbors and is important
 to the sustainability of our farm.


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