Sunday, October 25, 2015

Dairy Farmers Fuel Up

Last week we provided a dairy farm tour for students from Helen Tyson Middle School.
These weren't just any students--these were Fuel Up to Play 60 students!

Sharing our farm with Fuel Up to Play 60 students made the day  even more
 special because as dairy farmers we are very proud  to be founding partners
 of this in-school health and wellness program that encourages
 physical activity and good nutrition among youth.

Through the Fuel Up to Play 60 program,  we're helping students
 create and implement activities that reward them for making healthy 
choices and create positive  change in their school.

There's nothing more inspiring to a dairy farmer than to 
share his passion with a young person that wants to know

 how milk gets into his glass,

what cows love to eat,

how calves are raised,


                                                   how Domino's  pizza shows up at the farm!


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