Monday, June 22, 2015

10 Reasons I Love Dairy

I'm joining a few friends in celebrating June Dairy Month by sharing 10 reasons I love dairy. A lot of my reasons are connected to the work of the National Dairy Council that was founded  in 1915 by dairy farmers.   

10 Reasons I Love Dairy

I=infinite uses of ingredients 

L=leader in nutrition research and  school health and                              wellness programs like Fuel Up to Play 60

O=opportunity for improved nutrition through proven science and         research

V=Value and Variety

E=Everyday effort by local farmers to produce safe,healthy milk


A=Academics to support the fight against poor nutrition,inactivity         and overweight/obesity among our nation's youth

I=Instruction  for healthy nutrition validated by research

R=Refuel with dairy proven by research 

                       The reasons to love dairy don't end here.
               Check out more from DairyMakesSense.

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