Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Celebrating Dairy Time

Life is full of moments and milestones. 
Ryan and I reached the milestone of thirty years of marriage today, November 24th.
Being a city slicker, I've had a lot to learn about moments with a dairy  farmer.  Actually, I've learned to live by dairy time. We use clocks and watches and cell phones to keep us on time but we could function on the farm without them because everything we do is centered around caring for our dairy cows.

First of all, the cows come first. I'm not complaining, it's just the way it is. Dairy cows get milked twice a day, the same time every day of the year including weekends and holidays.
The dairy farmer started me off right by incorporating my first lesson in dairy time with the wedding planning. Our wedding was at noon so our farmer friends could come to the wedding and be home in time to milk their cows and the wedding date occurred after the silage harvest.

I may resist dairy time sometimes , but never the love of the dairy farmer!



                      I'm looking forward to more moments and milestones that happen on dairy time!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed your story, and am thankful that you are included in my life's moments and milestones.
