Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Farms and Friends

A crane is not part of our dairy  farming operation but we were happy to see our friend and his crane   this morning after the axle under our feed wagon broke as the loaded wagon was moving towards the barn to feed the cows. Although this is a bad situation, we were very fortunate that no one was injured and that we have a friend that owns a crane and was willing to help us get it pulled up right so that it can be repaired.
Before the crane had set the mixing wagon upright, the boys were hooking up another friend's mixer wagon so that our cows could be fed.
Our cows definitely appreciated our friend's willingness to let us borrow the wagon.
They never missed a bite of nutritious feed!
If our days were always trouble free, we would miss out on these opportunities to appreciate the friendships we have in our farming community!

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