Monday, January 6, 2014

Dairy Farm Snow Day

Even though my toes were cold and I was looking forward to warming by the fire after late afternoon chores, I had to pull out my phone for a snapshot of this evening's sunset.  Snow brightened the background around the cows as they gathered around the feed wagons for a late afternoon snack before returning to the milk barn for the evening milking.
Snow days on the dairy farm are a lot different than a school day snow day!
With plenty of feed and water available, the cows don't seem to find the cold temperatures or  snow to be a problem.
For their comfort, large round hay bales have been unrolled   for them to rest on  while they are in the pasture.
Extreme cold weather presents a lot of challenges when trying to do the everyday chores on a dairy farm. Machines and vehicles  just don't work good at below  zero degrees!
The best part of our snow day is when all the animals are cared for and we can rest and prepare ourselves for tomorrow's challenges with the hope of warmer weather for us and the cows.

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