Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Arkansas Farm Bureau leaders from all 75 counties met in Little Rock last week for the State Resolution Committee meeting  to discuss resolutions for policy changes in preparation for the annual meeting in December. This process is why Farm Bureau is called a "grassroots" organization. Changes or additions  made to Farm Bureau policy start at the county level, are  reviewed by the State Resolution Committee and  then presented at the annual meeting for adoption.
At this two day meeting, we discussed both state and national policies that are important to our members across the state. I just love talking about chickens and dairy!
After review and suggestions for adoption of changes, resolutions are approved for presentation at the annual meeting in December.
I'm thankful for this policy process that serves to fulfill the mission of Arkansas Farm Bureau in advocating the interests of agriculture, disseminating information concerning the value and importance of agriculture, and provide products and services which improve the quality of life for our members.

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