Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Dairy Fun

I really can't imagine Labor Day without labor on the dairy farm and   our cows and calves expect it!  It might not make any sense, but you can find fun in labor.

                       If you asked me if I did anything fun on Labor Day, here's what I would say...

          I climbed into the dirty, dusty seat of the old ten-wheel silage truck to sit next to my honey so I could ride while he green chopped a load of feed for the milking cows. Riding in the truck or tractor always reminds me of our many 'dates' spent on a tractor or doing chores.

 One of our daily chores for the last couple of weeks is to 'green chop'  Sudan grass to add to the  cows feed ration.  I'm sure the cows would describe it as high protein, high energy nutritious candy!

Even though we weren't racing, it was fun to see Cody pull the chopper up close to the truck to start down the row, blowing the chopped grass into the truck. It's obvious  he gets a lot of joy and fun from  trying to scare his mother with his driving.
                                            I  admired the crop through the dirty windshield

and most of all  felt thankful for a green chop crop that our cows will enjoy!
After last year's drought and no crop...labor is a good thing.


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