Sunday, September 30, 2012

Celebrate Eat Better,Eat Together Month

October is designated as Eat Better,Eat Together Month. Family meals are great opportunities to eat nutritious food,enjoy each other's company,share conversation and laugh together. Even when schedules are busy and we struggle to sit down together, I try to keep ingredients on hand that can easily be fixed for a  quick,nutitious family meal. Chili or soup is a favorite fall or winter family meal for us.

 Pepper-Jack Cornbread Muffins make a great addition to any quick and easy meal. I found this recipe in the October 2012 Country Living magazine but made muffins rather than cornbread sticks. It was an instant family favorite and goes perfectly with a big glass of milk!

Pepper-Jack Cornbread Muffins

1 (8.5oz) box Jiffy corn muffin mix
3/4 cup creamed corn
2 large eggs
3 ounces pepper-Jack cheese,grated (about 3/4 cup)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients. Stir until batter just comes together; do not overmix.

Fill 12 paper-lined muffin cups with about 2 tablespoons batter. Bake until golden on top and a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean,about 12-15 minutes. Serve with butter.

Option: May use cast-iron cornbread stick pans--Set 2 cast-iron pans in the top third of oven until hot, about 15 minutes. Mix batter; carefully remove heated pans and brush each stick mold with butter.
Fill each mold with about 2 tablespoons batter. Bake as above. Remove pans from oven and using a sharp knife, release sticks. Serve warm with butter.

                                                  Happy Eat Better,Eat Together Month!