Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Milk's Merits

I never questioned my mother when she told me to drink all my milk  but with the many food choices available to us, it's important to know that all  milk has merit.  Whether you choose to drink regular or flavored, whole,2%,1% or skim milk, all kinds of milk have nine essential nutrients.  Healthy nutritional choices are important in every age and stage of life. Dairy foods provide essential nutrients for good health and are an excellent way to build a healthier diet. Milk's nine essential merits include:
  • Calcium--helps build and maintain healthy bones and teeth
  • Potassium--regulates the body's fluid balance and helps maintain normal blood pressure plus aids in normal muscle activity and contraction
  • Phosphorus--helps strengthen bones and generate energy in the body's cells
  • Protein--builds and repairs muscle tissue and serves as source of energy
  • Vitamin D--promotes the absorption of calcium and enhances bone strength
  • Vitamin A--maintains normal vision and skin and important to bone growth
  • Vitamin B12--helps maintain healthy red blood cells and nerve cells
  • Riboflavin--helps convert food into energy and important to normal eyesight and healthy skin
  • Niacin--helps bodies digest sugars and fatty acids
In case you question your mother's advice or just want to learn more about the nutritional and economical benefits of milk,more information can be found at http://www.dairymakessense.com or http://www.midwestdairy.com.

   June Dairy Month is the perfect time to celebrate Milk's Merits!

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