Recycling the manure from 300 dairy cows requires a permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. The permit allows storage of liquid and dry nutrient and utilization of the manure nutrients to fertilize our land. A special farm plan designed by soil scientists provides the guidance as to how much manure can be applied to each designated field.
Recycled cow manure builds organic matter in the soil, increases the water holding capacity of the soil, and decreases the amount of commercial fertilizer needed for crops. Our everyday celebration protects the environment and increases the sustainability of our farm.
Farmers and rancers across America celebrate Earth Day everyday as we work to care for our animals and land to provide the safest,most affordable and available food supply in the world. As dairy farmers, we rely on sound science and technology to help us produce a healthy product and protect and preserve our land for the next generation.
From my family to yours--Happy Earth Day!
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