Friday, February 24, 2012

Fixing Fence and Picking Flowers

When the neighbor calls to tell us that  a Holstein heifer is looking in his  bedroom window, we respond as quickly as possible. Oldest son Cody received the call this afternoon and I was quickly voted to be the assistant for this cattle round-up.  Fortunately for Cody, it was only  one heifer that happened to be loose and  I didn't get a real chance to show off all my cattle skills! My main job was to help head her in the direction of the gate.  While Cody mended the fence, I walked down the fence row checking for other broken wires.

One by one, the heifers came to watch Cody fixing the fence. I wonder if they sensed that they would no longer be able to visit the neighbor's yard?

Not finding any other gaps in the fence, I began to notice daffodils blooming around a few trees.  When I got back to the truck, Cody was ready to leave and noticing the bouquet in my hand, his smile said it all as he shook his head and said, "I'm fixing fence and you're picking flowers!"

                         I wouldn't take anything for these moments on the dairy farm with my family!

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