Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Resolution for Encouragement

After the extreme heat and drought of this summer, the cooler fifty degree temperature this morning brought smiles to my family as we finished breakfast,dressed in jeans and sweatshirts instead of shorts and sleeveless shirts and went outside to feed baby calves and bring cows to the barn to be milked. As I returned to the house after feeding baby calves, even the flowers in the yard seemed to be breathing a sigh of relief! Although resolutions are usually made at the beginning  of the New Year, today I feel like Labor Day is a time of renewal and refreshment as we begin our harvest season for our corn and hay crops.

Making a plan and setting priorities is important to the success of any accomplishment. My list of resolutions includes a mixture of personal goals and home and garden chores that often end at the bottom of every list. At the top of the list is to be more attentive to the time I spend in prayer and Bible study.  It is so easy for me to become discouraged and think negatively when faced with challenges that are beyond our control like the weather and the input costs of farming.  Labor Day and all my other days will be successful and I will be encouraged if I remember Proverbs 3:5-6:
               " Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
                 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Do you have a resolution for Labor Day?

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