Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dairymoms Create and Model Entrepreneurial Style

Dairy farms produce much more than milk--we generate economic activity in our rural communities and invest time and effort into making our communities the best places to live and raise our families. After looking at ways that we might diversify our farming business, Ryan and I decided to launch Anglin Beef. We've always had beef cattle but wanted to try selling packaged frozen beef from our farm to local customers. You will find that there are many farmers who wear the entrepreneurial hat with great style and success.

Hats seem to be a perfect marketing and advertising tool for a farmer so we enlisted our dairymom friend Becky to design a few for our faithful customers. It's the perfect example of entrepreneurial style. Becky lives and works on her family dairy farm in Oklahoma but also is the business owner of Becky's Embroidery Designs. Becky fits the definition of an entrepreneur perfectly--someone who starts a business and is good at finding ways to make money. Modeling my new pink custom embroidered Anglin Beef hat brought smiles and laughter from Becky and our husbands.

I think it is interesting to find out why an entrepreneur selects a particular business. Becky shared with me how she started her embroidery business in 1999. After selling a group of cows, Kenneth and Becky were looking for an investment. Because sewing had always been something she enjoyed, Becky purchased a twelve spool Toyota embroidery machine to begin her embroidery business. Basically, if you need it embroidered, Becky can do the job! Becky organizes and manages her time to keep both customers and her family happy while working on the farm. Just thinking about those twelve different thread spools on that machine and the absolute mess that I could create convinces me that Anglin Beef is the business for me!

Whether it's dairy farming,beef farming or embroidery projects, I would agree completely with what Becky's business card states at the bottom--All things are possible through our Lord Jesus Christ. Mark 10:27! Hope you have a great day!

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