Sunday, August 14, 2011

Are You A Breakfast Champion Mom?

Did you eat your breakfast? That was a pretty standard question each morning before my boys left for school. Milk was and still is part of the usual breakfast menu at our house. Breakfast is essential for fueling the brain for learning. Research has shown that breakfast eaters will experience increased physical energy,creativity and memory, improved attendance, higher math and reading scores and overall better mood.

Midwest Dairy council registered dietitian Bridget Sheehan suggests three simple strategies for making breakfast a habit:

  • If you're pressed for time in the morning,take advantage of school breakfast programs.

  • Be a role model parent. Eat breakfast yourself and with your children when possible.

  • Keep easy-to-serve breakfast foods or grab-and-go options on hand:

-Mom-approved "breakfast bowl" filled with yogurt tubes,string cheese

-Cup of yogurt with animal or graham cracker sticks for dunking

-Trail mix or dried fruit with a plastic re-sealable container of milk

You may want to try this easy breakfast recipe shared by Dairymom Jennifer Gross of South Dakota:

Oatmeal Yogurt Breakfast Blend

1/2 cup old-fashioned oats

3/4 cup plain nonfat yogurt

1/2 cup diced apple

2 tablespoons raisins

2 tablespoons sliced almonds

2 teaspoons brown sugar

dash of cinnamon


Mix all ingredients together and serve. For best taste results, prepare the night before and store in refrigerator. Serves:1

More information about dairy nutrition,recipes and tips to help you be a successful Breakfast Champion Mom can be found at

I'll be thinking about you as your new school year begins and I hope you have a great start to the new school year!

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