Friday, July 1, 2011

Beat the Heat

As much as I would like to sit around in the cool air conditioned house and eat ice cream during July, that is simply not a realistic plan when you live on a dairy farm. Facing triple digit temperatures for the next few days and through out the rest of the summer,I decided it would be a good time to read up on ways to prevent heat related illness. Anyone who works outside such as farmers, construction workers, or pool lifeguards, should be cautious as the temperatures rise. The information also pointed out that some people are at greater risk for heat related illness such as: infants and young children,people aged 65 or older, people who have a mental illness and those who are physically ill, especially with heart disease or high blood pressure. Steps to prevent heat stress while working include:

--wear light-colored,loose-fitting,breathable clothing such as cotton.

--gradually build up to heavy work

--schedule heavy work during the coolest parts of day

--take more breaks in extreme heat and humidity; take breaks in the shade or a cool area when


--drink water frequently; drink enough water that you never become thirsty

--avoid drinks with caffeine,alcohol,and large amounts of sugar

--be aware that protective clothing or personal protective equipment may increase the risk of

heat stress; monitor your physical condition and that of coworkers

As I go out to feed calves or work in the garden, I'll be wearing my farmer hat and sunglasses and drinking plenty of water and milk throughout the day. What preventive steps will you take to prevent heat related illness?

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