Monday, June 27, 2011

Smoothie Blues

Dairy smoothies are a great way to get refreshed from the summer heat and get your daily dairy in a sweet treat. In these last few days of celebrating June Dairy Month and summertime temperatures on the farm and in the city, I think this is the perfect recipe! I found this recipe on The Pioneer Woman blog entry of August 5,2009.

Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie


-1 cup plain,unflavored yogurt

-1 cup fruit (your choice-blueberries,peaches,pineapple,etc.)

-1/4 cup milk

-1 dash honey


Preparation Instructions

Place yogurt,fruit,milk,a handful of ice and honey to taste all into a blender. Blend until smooth. Taste it for sweetness and add more honey if needed.

You can find other smoothie recipes at or

What is your favorite dairy smoothie recipe? I'd love to hear from you!

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