Friday, June 17, 2011

Dairy Farm Dad

June Dairy Month is one of the busiest working times on the farm as we add crop planting and hay harvesting to the daily milking schedule and activities required to feed and care for our animals. Although it takes all of us working together on the family farm to get the work done, in my opinion, the most important person on the farm is my husband Ryan, also known as Dairy Farmer Dad.

On any day of the week on the dairy farm, our Dairy Farm Dad exhibits an assortment of titles and positions as we work together on the farm. My description of our Dairy Farm Dad would be that he is a manager, a boss, a problem solver, a traffic director, a mechanic, a banker, an accountant,a nutritionist, an animal caretaker, a conservationist,a plumber, an electrician, a gardener,a cook, a friend, and a father. Basically, he's the center of our universe and the go-to-guy!

Having been a city girl before marrying Dairy Farm Dad, I had no concept of the many roles and abilities of a farmer. Father's Day is a perfect time to express gratitude to all the Dairy Farm Dads that not only work to provide a nutritious product for consumers but set a great example for the next generation of dairy farmers. I think a freezer of homemade ice cream would be a great way to celebrate June Dairy Month and Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all!

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