Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dairy Cows Celebrate Earth Day Everyday

How do dairy cows celebrate Earth Day? With Sustainability!! The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy defines sustainability as...

Providing consumers with the nutritious dairy products they want in a way that makes the industry,people,and the earth economically,environmentally and socially better-now and for future generations.

On our dairy farm, the cows celebrate Earth Day everyday by consuming a nutritious,balanced diet to efficiently produce milk while using less of our natural resources and generating less animal waste. Feeding the cows a balanced and nutritious diet is the key to healthy cows and milk production. We sit down once a month with our animal nutritionist to evaluate the feed ingredients and discuss cow production and health records. Efficient feeding and management practices are economically and environmentally beneficial to our farm. Our cows are the very heart of sustainability for our family dairy farm.

Here are some amazing dairy sustainability facts (

  • Since 1944, annual production of milk per cow has quadrupled in the United States

  • Every gallon of milk requires 65 percent less water and 90 percent less land than in 1944

  • 76 percent less manure is being produced for each gallon of milk sold

  • the "carbon footprint" for a gallon of milk in 2007 was 63 percent lower than in 1944

How do you celebrate Earth Day?

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